Getting the track plan onto the benchwork was a bit of a process. I designed the layout using CADRAIL. It took several sheets of 8 1/2" X 11" paper and a few rolls of tape to put the full scale track plan together. When all the bits of paper became whole, I secured it to the layout using push pins. I marked the center of the tracks and building corners using 3/4" 18 gauge wire brads nailed into the plywood. It reminded me of the movie Hell Raiser Pinhead character looking at all the wire brads sticking out of the 1/2" plywood and taped up paper. The push pins and drawing were carefully removed. I left the brads in as survey markers. Using a pencil, I made lines in between the brads for the track centers and building outlines. I pulled all my survey markers out and was getting excited to see the layout in its rawest form.Track centers done! Now, how am I going to duplicate the roadbed that I saw on a fellow modeler's layout? The modeler I'm talking about is Steven Malley's Buffalo Line. To see it in action follow this link:
Steven explained that he uses 1/4" clear pine lattice material from Home Depot. I started looking at the material, he was right it was going to be expensive! Did I give up on the Idea? No, I was very impressed with how well his layout runs. I'm not using the exact material he is using, but I have a carpenter friend that hooked me up with something that will work. Next Post, I'll explain the roadbed I'm using.